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Planning, Building, and Managing the Modern Grid

Driven by reliability issues and asset aging in some regions, as well as the accommodation of load and generation growth in other regions, the world’s need for power transmission and distribution infrastructure continues to evolve.


Now more than ever, utilities must have the resources and know-how to think both big and small, balancing long-range sustainability plans with hitting near-term business and financial metrics. That’s where decision makers look to Neerstalle Energy.


Transmission Integration

As the demand for supply and integrating renewable electricity sources from resource abundant regions to growing congested areas at scale are driving an increased need for growing for high-capacity transmission links over long distances.



Smart Grid & Grid Modernization

The impact of technology, cyber security, climate change, and the advent of the prosumer are among the leading factors of uncertainty and risks driving the requirements of grid modernization and its digital transformation.

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Off-grid hybrid power solutions

Remote communities and industrial facilities want to reduce their reliance on liquids fuels such as oil and diesel, which can have risks to the environment. Wind and solar power offer clean alternatives that can be integrated into a remote energy mix.

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Power Systems Engineering

The growth in global energy demand will require new agility. With decades of experience analyzing power systems performance and optimizing power system development we have leading-edge analytical tools and expertise that save you time and money.

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Power Transmission Customers & Markets

As an experienced transmission technology and service company, we are partnering with a wide range of energy companies all over the world.  

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Services for Power Transmission

We are the holistic service provider for the transmission elements through the entire energy value chain.

Energy is nothing without Transmission

We keep the world energized

At Neerstalle, we service your power transmission products, systems and solutions

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