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Our Portfolio to drive the energy transition

We offer products, solutions, and services across the entire energy value chain. We support our customers on their way to a more sustainable future – no matter how far along the journey they are.

Image de American Public Power Association

Hydro Power

Using the power of water : A smart way of solving environmental and economic challenges.


Where water moves there’s energy that can be harvested. We offer single-source expertise and project life-cycle solutions.


State-of-the-art, small hydro power plant technology from Neerstalle Energy helps to unleash this potential and enables a climate-neutral power generation to invest and operate competitively.

Image de Jason Blackeye

Wind Energy

The power of ooffshore wind : The mega-plant of the 21st century


Innovation made wind a strong competitor of conventional power generation and its development activity remains strong globally. 


Full and Partial wind repowers enable owners to utilize existing infrastructure, expand MW output, extend the operating life of assets, and maximize return on investment with upgraded wind facilities.

Offshore wind is underway in Europe and developing in other regions.


Solar Power

The power of the sun :

An inexhaustible source


With a daily start-up and shut-down high demands are placed on Concentrated solar thermal power plants (CSP). 


CSP is worldwide becoming a more and more important source for power generation. The reasons for this are obvious: The sun is an inexhaustible source for power production. And it is not only a free fuel source but also a complete emissions-free source. Steam turbine generator sets convert solar energy into electricity. 

Cleaner energy solutions to support a sustainable future

Our customers are accelerating their efforts to reduce carbon emissions and achieve a future of net zero emissions


We strive to simplify this transition working at all scales and stages of renewable infrastructure planning and deployment. This can mean solving today’s renewable intermittency challenges with multiple types of renewable generation, battery storage and smart distribution technologies; addressing technical issues power generators and regulators face in the integration of renewable energy technologies; or even providing full turnkey development or construction solutions.


No matter the need, Neerstalle’s renewables and utilities solution can simplify the life of a customer with complex projects.

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