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Meet Your Single-Source for Hydropower Services:

Leverage Neerstalle’s industry-leading expertise.



At Neerstalle, engineering excellence means delivering optimal solutions incorporated into a multidisciplinary approach.


Our clients come from all walks of life and all parts of the world. They are involved in every branch of human activity, and work toward the ideal “integrated city” through applying the principles of sustainable development.



Through our world-class strategies and procedures, we build high-performing infrastructure projects with unsurpassed safety and quality.


We deliver the highest standards of safety, quality and efficiency and adapt our diverse construction solutions to mitigate risk and suit your budget. Working with Neerstalle means your project will result in the most value possible over its lifecycle.





Our approach to Asset Management is aligned with international standards and underpinned by digital tools and data analytics; to support distributed, interconnected and intelligent infrastructure in markets around the world.



How will you structure and enable change in your organization? Leaders must reinvent management practices in their organizations to create value and deliver innovation.


Competing successfully in a high-velocity, digital-driven world places increasing demands on an organization's ability to execute and deliver projects at a rapid pace. These pressures have made program, project and service management (PPSM) a valued capability across the enterprise.



Industries of all shapes and sizes are facing an increasingly competitive marketplace where success hinges on effectively leveraging data to ensure reliable, efficient, and resilient operations.

Achieving these three objectives requires the convergence of data analytics, people, and processes to inform and guide decisions that help your business achieve sustainable, resilient, and profitable results


Neerstalle is on the forefront of merging data analytics with engineering expertise to deliver timely and actionable insights that realize the full potential of assets and facilities for industrial, commercial, and utility businesses.



We know consulting: In an era of disruption, strategy is more important than ever. 


We help to enable strategy, growth and the utility of the future through a full range and scale of organizational, commercial and technical consulting solutions specific to your industry. 


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades, and we bring unrivaled capabilities, tools, technologies, and talent to every engagement, augmented by an ecosystem of best-of-breed partners that provide specialized expertise. We’ll help you mobilize for change, navigate uncertainty, and flex as needed, so you achieve sustained, profitable growth—a feat only 1 in 11 companies manages to pull off.

“You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality.” 


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